Story-led Game Theory

4 min readAug 20, 2022


Gm Elunites.

If you’re familiar with MV3, you know that we are building a Universe. Our goal is to create the next great franchise, birthed from an NFT collection, where holders get to directly participate in the upside of the IP.

We believe in the disruptive power of Web3. NFTs represent your digital identity — the great unifier of online communities. They are also the access tokens of the next great evolution of the Internet.

But most importantly, they should represent ownership and/or profit participation into the brands, products & communities you love.

Let’s say that in 4 years from now there are MV3 films/shows, games, comics, IRL events, physical items, etc. based on the MV3 IP. Our great ambition is to share a percentage of the revenue that the IP generates with holders.

But how would that allocation be distributed amongst thousands of holders?

Introducing story-led game theory — a first of its kind innovation that will be layered on top of our collection. Story-led game theory is a gamified mechanic where participation yields collector points, tentatively called Eluna City Fame, that are assigned to your wallet, unlocking utility and determining your percentage of revenue share.

This mechanic will be accessed through our website. We’re currently building the infrastructure, and while we don’t have a date set for launch — we’re aiming to have it out by the end of 2022.

Let’s take a look at the dashboard first.

Note. Everything below is an example — arbitrary and made-up numbers, names and content to help illustrate what the mechanic will look like.

Your dashboard will be the main page of The Hub. It offers a quick glimpse of your collector profile, collection stats, community highlights, and your best source for news & announcements coming out of the MV3 Universe.

Let’s take a look at an example of the character tab, where your characters can train to unlock special ranks.

The character tab is an attractive, useful way to organize, curate and show off your character collection. It’s will also having a staking mechanic called training.

Training unlocks daily Eluna City Fame, and will have ~30 levels (or ranks) to unlock, each exponentially increasing in required points to unlock.

The 150 Travelers will have a multiplier on fame points. It’s possible a multiplier will be assigned to other rare characters & factions, but that has not been determined yet.

Ranks will eventually be added to your character’s metadata. Selling a character will not reset the rank to 0, but would reset the progress of the current level.

Your characters total fame points will be assigned to the grand total of the wallet’s fame points.

Training will not be the only way to earn fame. Participation will be key. These will be awarded in the form of achievements.

Again, the achievements in the image above are pure examples. These may not ever exist. We will have a team of game masters who are intimate with game theory determining what the achievements will be. It’s important to us that many, if not most of the achievements, are purely participatory (spaces, stages, online events, poaps, etc.) This way, those with time but not capital, can earn points as easily as those with capital, but not time.

Core characters. The crown jewels of the MV3 collection. These can’t be trained, but would come equipped with an extremely high, disproportionate level of fame points. Since IP will not be granted to core characters, the tradeoff would be that they would receive the lion’s share of revenue generated by the IP.

What is the War Room? That isn’t being teased yet — but will be a participatory experience where you will have to make choices depending on the audio experience.

Stay updated to this entry (it’s ever-evolving) and our Twitter to see the War Room in action.

The Hub will be an ever-evolving and iterative product. In due time, we could add a social component — the ability to follow and message other Elunites. Perhaps our gallery could evolve into our own proprietary 0-fee marketplace. You might even be seeing an inventory tab appear in early 2023… 👀

We are so proud to be pioneering the storytelling NFT space. These RPG mechanics are groundbreaking, and the MV3 team is excited to bring it to life.

It’s still early, but we will keep you updated on our plans

Join our Discord for more information & updates.

